Monday, November 16, 2009

Katie, GFU student:

As Thursday morning began, I knew that it was going to be an adventure. There was a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time, and I just didn’t know how it would all play out. My first class was uneventful and to be honest a little dull. Then, the day took off at a run. I had to complete a test in an hour (a chemistry test no less) and then jump in the car to drive to Salem.
Once in Salem, my friend and I observed a first grade PE class. They were so cute, doing their jumping jacks and sit-ups! Then it was a quick interview in the parking lot with the teacher before hurrying back to da Berg.

On the way, we stopped in a grocery store and grabbed some yummy grilled sandwiches. As we pulled into the parking lot at Fox, my friend began to look for her cell phone. We looked all through the car, and then she remembered that she had stopped in the bathroom at the grocery store. Panic sinks in, as we both realize there might be a trip back to Salem and the thought that it could possibly not be there when we get back.

I ran to the Admissions Office to squeeze in some work before my last class of the day. Of course, the last class involves a group presentation. As I finish highlighting my notes, the teacher calls our group up to the front. No comment on the actual speech :)

The day concluded with a trip to the Woodburn outlets to get the cell phone and a dodge ball game before homework. I’m glad all of my days are not like this, and I have to say it reminded me a little bit of high school – always moving, no naptime in the middle of the day, and coffee hard to come by. I hope I don’t have another day like that for awhile. I like my coffee breaks and afternoon naps. I think it’s about time for one right now….

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