Monday, November 16, 2009

Sadie, GFU student:

Dear peers and future fellow Fox students,

My roommate is an incredible blessing in my life. She sits quietly when I need to vent, laughs along with me when I go crazy on late homework nights, and brings me joy when I am sad. I can confidently say that we have a deep love and mutual respect for each other. The greatest moments of the semester have definitely included her. Some of those moments are as following (feel free to relive them sometime): organizing and playing hide-and-seek in an open dorm lobby, getting lost in Portland on more than one occasion, sleepovers on the floor, and sorting out the green Sour Patch Kids for a special delivery to someone’s dorm room floor, baking four layer cakes, watching sad movies, crying together through rough days and frustrations.

Future college students: Someday, perhaps soon, you will have a roommate with whom you, more than likely, share quite close quarters with. I want to encourage you to take the time to get to know them. Learn to be comfortable being vulnerable around them, sharing your day with them, being upset and working through it together. Sometime when the rest of the world seems to reject you, your roommate is potentially the one person who will remain strong for you.

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