Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sadie, GFU student:

My thoughts, two weeks prior:

This evening, as I took a break from watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and browsing extremely important and relevant-to-my-life photos on Facebook, I pulled out my Marketing textbook and plopped on the couch, determined to avoid skim reading, but instead immerse myself in the brilliantly captivating text. In my usual habit of attempting to make the reading appear more scintillating than it actually is, I scanned ahead, casually calculating how many pages I had to read before I could shut off the part of my brain linked to being productive. With a sigh of relief at the number being only 13, I hunkered down, fully prepared to enjoy the brisk, engaging chapter. In my head, the thought surfaced that it was terribly relieving to actually be reading on a topic I appreciated. That little joy spot, however, quickly flitted out of my line of mental vision. It occurred to me: what could one possibly have to say about societal marketing that could cover the extent of 13 whole pages? Surely no one has that much substantial information to fill that much space - at least not without repeating and dissecting each small sub-topic to the point of "beating a dead horse" if you will. What more can be said on the topic that isn't mentioned in the first few pages? Did I actually even like this topic in the first place? How is this relevant to real life?

As my mental capacity to comprehend actuality digressed, I hastily made a resolve. It is time to stick it to the man! The repressed rebellion of my youth be unleashed! Therefore, I am going to finish creating this installment of thoughts of mine for the world to one day discover and appreciate; after which I am going to march to that couch! grab up my textbook! and...

promptly begin reading again. Not stopping until I complete all 13 pages.


Your average, homework-laden university student.

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