Monday, November 16, 2009

Stephanie, GFU student:

This last week was amazing! Exhausting, but fun none-the-less. Fall Bruin Preview was here and we had 117 students and their families come to campus to check us out. The planning process was a blast. I got to meet a lot of new people and help make Bruin Preview something that would make people want to invest in my school. I've always loved the atmosphere here at Fox and the people that make up our school community and culture. It was fun to be able to share my thoughts and joys about Fox with students who are still on their journey to deciding where they want to go and what they want to do. I remember when I started the college finding process and all the questions and fears I had. It's strange to know that students are still struggling with the same fears. The week was successful and for that I'm grateful. I will be perfectly honest in saying I slept for 13 hours Friday night and stayed in bed doing nothing but vegging all day Saturday in recovery, but I can't wait for Spring Bruin Preview to arrive!

Talk to you all soon!


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