Monday, November 16, 2009

Stephanie, GFU student:

This last week was amazing! Exhausting, but fun none-the-less. Fall Bruin Preview was here and we had 117 students and their families come to campus to check us out. The planning process was a blast. I got to meet a lot of new people and help make Bruin Preview something that would make people want to invest in my school. I've always loved the atmosphere here at Fox and the people that make up our school community and culture. It was fun to be able to share my thoughts and joys about Fox with students who are still on their journey to deciding where they want to go and what they want to do. I remember when I started the college finding process and all the questions and fears I had. It's strange to know that students are still struggling with the same fears. The week was successful and for that I'm grateful. I will be perfectly honest in saying I slept for 13 hours Friday night and stayed in bed doing nothing but vegging all day Saturday in recovery, but I can't wait for Spring Bruin Preview to arrive!

Talk to you all soon!


Sadie, GFU student:

Dear peers and future fellow Fox students,

My roommate is an incredible blessing in my life. She sits quietly when I need to vent, laughs along with me when I go crazy on late homework nights, and brings me joy when I am sad. I can confidently say that we have a deep love and mutual respect for each other. The greatest moments of the semester have definitely included her. Some of those moments are as following (feel free to relive them sometime): organizing and playing hide-and-seek in an open dorm lobby, getting lost in Portland on more than one occasion, sleepovers on the floor, and sorting out the green Sour Patch Kids for a special delivery to someone’s dorm room floor, baking four layer cakes, watching sad movies, crying together through rough days and frustrations.

Future college students: Someday, perhaps soon, you will have a roommate with whom you, more than likely, share quite close quarters with. I want to encourage you to take the time to get to know them. Learn to be comfortable being vulnerable around them, sharing your day with them, being upset and working through it together. Sometime when the rest of the world seems to reject you, your roommate is potentially the one person who will remain strong for you.

Rebecca, GFU student:

So you may be wondering how college students deal with academic stress, especially during midterms when there are suddenly tests and projects due in seemingly every class all at once.
Well on Friday, after the girls in my apartment and I finished a long week of tests and projects, we were unwinding in the living room...checking our facebooks and reading MLIA.

One of my roommates then ran in from her room carrying four light sabers. She threw them to three of us and we proceeded to battle! There was then a knock at our door, and as we opened it, two of our friends, not knowing what we had been doing, ran in with dart guns and began to attack us! Well at this, one of the girls still sitting on the couch, turned the sound track from Star wars on and turned the speakers up full blast. For the next 20 minutes our entire living room turned into a giant battle with light sabers, dart guns, and pillows everywhere. People were running, ducking, and battling all over! Darts soared through the air, light sabers banged and clattered as bodies fell to the floor only to stand and attack another person beside them. The battle would switch from two on two, to four on one, to one on one with no actual teams. I don’t know what was louder, our laughter and yelling, or the music.

Fair enough to say the long week of hard work was quickly forgotten.

Katie, GFU student:

As Thursday morning began, I knew that it was going to be an adventure. There was a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time, and I just didn’t know how it would all play out. My first class was uneventful and to be honest a little dull. Then, the day took off at a run. I had to complete a test in an hour (a chemistry test no less) and then jump in the car to drive to Salem.
Once in Salem, my friend and I observed a first grade PE class. They were so cute, doing their jumping jacks and sit-ups! Then it was a quick interview in the parking lot with the teacher before hurrying back to da Berg.

On the way, we stopped in a grocery store and grabbed some yummy grilled sandwiches. As we pulled into the parking lot at Fox, my friend began to look for her cell phone. We looked all through the car, and then she remembered that she had stopped in the bathroom at the grocery store. Panic sinks in, as we both realize there might be a trip back to Salem and the thought that it could possibly not be there when we get back.

I ran to the Admissions Office to squeeze in some work before my last class of the day. Of course, the last class involves a group presentation. As I finish highlighting my notes, the teacher calls our group up to the front. No comment on the actual speech :)

The day concluded with a trip to the Woodburn outlets to get the cell phone and a dodge ball game before homework. I’m glad all of my days are not like this, and I have to say it reminded me a little bit of high school – always moving, no naptime in the middle of the day, and coffee hard to come by. I hope I don’t have another day like that for awhile. I like my coffee breaks and afternoon naps. I think it’s about time for one right now….