Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stephanie, GFU student:

The last few days have certainly been blustery! Fall is here and I’m already freezing! I’m not looking forward to the start of the rainy season and definitely have an umbrella on my shopping list for my Freddy’s run tonight! This week has been the first dreaded week of the semester. Midterms are a pain, especially when you don’t study for them! But that’s what school’s about right? Late nights, coffee and junk food binges and study sessions with friends. I only have a few more months left though and I don’t have to worry about exams again for the rest of my life! I have a feeling that’s what I’m going to be telling myself when I’m operating on no sleep and sugar high after sugar high.

This semester is really exciting though. For my Senior Capstone class we get to start a small business. I’m an International Business major and our Senior Cap project is to create and launch a small business and then see how it does. We have our first presentation coming up and I’m really excited about our prospects so far. It’s nice to actually do something, instead of sitting in a classroom talking about hypotheticals. Anyway – that’s life for me right now. Wake up, go to work, go to class, go to job #2, go home, do homework, and eat and sleep somewhere in there!
Life is grand and I’m excited to share pieces of it with you!


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